Source code for imtoolkit.Modulator

# Copyright (c) IMToolkit Development Team
# This toolkit is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt

import numpy as np
from .Util import getGrayIndixes

# Pahse-shift keying
[docs]class PSK(object): def __init__(self, constellationSize=2): self.L = constellationSize self.bitWidth = np.log2(self.L) if self.bitWidth != np.floor(self.bitWidth): print("The specified constellationSize is not a power of two") return if self.L == 1: self.symbols = [1] return grayIndexes = getGrayIndixes(self.bitWidth) originalSymbols = np.exp(2.0j * np.pi * np.asarray(range(self.L)) / self.L) # We would like to avoid quantization errors l4 = np.min([self.L, 4]) indsAxis = (np.arange(l4) * self.L / l4).astype( originalSymbols[indsAxis] = np.rint(originalSymbols[indsAxis]) self.symbols = np.take(originalSymbols, grayIndexes)
# Quadrature amplitude modulation
[docs]class QAM(object): def __init__(self, constellationSize=4): self.L = constellationSize self.bitWidth = np.log2(self.L) sqrtL = np.floor(np.sqrt(self.L)) if sqrtL * sqrtL != self.L: print("The specified constellationSize is not an even power of two") return logsqL = np.floor(np.log2(sqrtL)) sigma = np.sqrt((self.L - 1) * 2.0 / 3.0) y = np.floor(np.arange(self.L) / sqrtL) x = np.arange(self.L) % sqrtL originalSymbols = ((sqrtL - 1) - 2.0 * x) / sigma + 1j * ((sqrtL - 1) - 2.0 * y) / sigma # originalSymbols grayIndexes = getGrayIndixes(logsqL) grayIndexes = (np.take(grayIndexes, list(y)) * 2 ** logsqL + np.take(grayIndexes, list(x))).astype( # grayIndexes self.symbols = np.take(originalSymbols, grayIndexes)
[docs]class StarQAM(object): """ This StarQAM class is an efficient implementation of the following paper [1]. - [1] W. T. Webb, L. Hanzo, and R. Steele, "Bandwidth efficient QAM schemes for Rayleigh fading channels," IEE Proc., vol. 138, no. 3, pp. 169--175, 1991. """ def __init__(self, constellationSize=2): self.L = constellationSize self.bitWidth = np.log2(self.L) p = np.log2(self.L) / 2 - 1 self.subConstellationSize = int(4 * 2 ** np.floor(p)) self.Nlevels = int(2 ** np.ceil(p)) # print("self.subConstellationSize * self.Nlevels = " + str(self.subConstellationSize) + " * " + str(self.Nlevels) + " = " + str(self.subConstellationSize * self.Nlevels)) sigma = np.sqrt(6.0 / (self.Nlevels + 1.0) / (2.0 * self.Nlevels + 1.0)) self.symbols = np.zeros(self.L, dtype=np.complex) for level_id in range(self.Nlevels): mod = PSK(self.subConstellationSize) # self.symbols.append((1.0 + level_id) * sigma * mod.symbols) self.symbols[(level_id * self.subConstellationSize):((level_id + 1) * self.subConstellationSize)] = (1.0 + level_id) * sigma * mod.symbols
# print("StartQAM: the constellation size of " + str(self.L) + " is not supported yet")
[docs]class Modulator(object): """ This class generates a constellation such as PSK, QAM, and star-QAM (SQAM). """ def __init__(self, mode="PSK", constellationSize=2): """ Args: mode (string): the type of constellation, such as PSK, QAM, and SQAM. L (int): the constellation size. """ self.constellationSize = constellationSize if mode == "PSK": self.symbols = PSK(constellationSize).symbols elif mode == "QAM": self.symbols = QAM(constellationSize).symbols elif mode == "SQAM" or mode == "StarQAM": self.symbols = StarQAM(constellationSize).symbols