Source code for imtoolkit.Util

# Copyright (c) IMToolkit Development Team
# This toolkit is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt

import os
from sympy.combinatorics.graycode import GrayCode
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from numba import jit, njit
import numpy as np
if os.getenv("USECUPY") == "1":
    import cupy as xp
    import numpy as xp

[docs]def getGrayIndixes(bitWidth): gray = GrayCode(bitWidth) return [int(strb, 2) for strb in gray.generate_gray()]
[docs]def frodiff(x, y): return xp.square(xp.linalg.norm(x - y))
[docs]@njit(['f8[:](c16[:,:,:])', 'f8[:](f8[:,:,:])']) def getEuclideanDistances(codes): # The following implementation only supports NumPy, slow #combsfro = itertools.starmap(frodiff, itertools.combinations(codes, 2)) #return xp.asarray(list(combsfro)) # The following is also slow #combsfro = [frodiff(p[0], p[1]) for p in itertools.combinations(codes, 2)] #return xp.asarray(combsfro) # The following straightforward implementation with numba is the fastest Nc = codes.shape[0] ret = xp.zeros(int(Nc * (Nc - 1) / 2)) i = 0 for y in range(0, Nc): for x in range(y+1, Nc): ret[i] = xp.square(xp.linalg.norm(codes[y] - codes[x])) i += 1 return ret
# The following implementation supports NumPy and CuPy, # although it is memory-thirsty #Nc = codes.shape[0] #M = codes.shape[1] #T = codes.shape[2] #x = xp.hstack(xp.tile(codes, Nc)) # M \times T * Nc^2 #y = xp.tile(xp.hstack(codes), Nc) # M \times T * Nc^2 #diffxy = (x - y).T.reshape(Nc, Nc, M, T) # Nc \times Nc \times M \times T #frodiff = xp.power(xp.linalg.norm(diffxy, axis=(2,3)), 2) #return frodiff[np.triu_indices(Nc, 1)]
[docs]@njit(['f8(c16[:,:,:])', 'f8(f8[:,:,:])']) def getMinimumEuclideanDistance(codes): #return min(getEuclideanDistances(codes)) # The following straightforward implementation with numba is the fastest Nc = codes.shape[0] mind = xp.inf for y in range(0, Nc): for x in range(y + 1, Nc): d = xp.square(xp.linalg.norm(codes[y] - codes[x])) if d < mind: mind = d return mind
[docs]def getDFTMatrix(N): W = xp.zeros((N, N), dtype = complex) omega = xp.exp(2.0j * xp.pi / N) for j in range(N): for k in range(N): W[j, k] = pow(omega, j * k) W /= xp.sqrt(N) return W
[docs]def getDFTMatrixNumpy(N): W = np.zeros((N, N), dtype = complex) omega = np.exp(2.0j * np.pi / N) for j in range(N): for k in range(N): W[j, k] = pow(omega, j * k) W /= np.sqrt(N) return W
# # IT++ like functions #
[docs]def inv_dB(dB): return 10.0 ** (dB / 10.0)
[docs]def randn(*size): return xp.random.normal(0, 1, size = size)
[docs]def randn_c(*size): """ Complex normal distribution """ return xp.random.normal(0, 1 / xp.sqrt(2.0), size = size) + xp.random.normal(0, 1 / xp.sqrt(2.0), size = size) * 1j
#xp.random.randn_c = randn_c
[docs]def countErrorBits(x, y): return bin(x^y).count('1')
[docs]def getXORtoErrorBitsArray(Nc): #return xp.array(list(map(lambda x: bin(x).count('1'), range(Nc + 1)))) ret = xp.zeros(Nc + 1) for x in range(Nc + 1): ret[x] = bin(x).count('1') return ret
[docs]def getErrorBitsTable(Nc): errorArray = getXORtoErrorBitsArray(Nc) errorTable = xp.zeros((Nc, Nc), dtype = xp.int8) for y in range(Nc): for x in range(y, Nc): errorTable[y][x] = errorTable[x][y] = errorArray[x^y] return errorTable
[docs]def getXCorrespondingToY(xarr, yarr, y): if y < np.min(yarr) or y > np.max(yarr): return xp.NaN spfunc = interp1d(yarr, xarr) return spfunc(y)
# c(APATH = "C:/Dropbox/Project/201903_imtoolkit_paper/paper/main.aux", label = "Conv. equiprobable act. \cite{wen2016equiprobable}") # c(APATH = "C:/Dropbox/Project/201903_imtoolkit_paper/paper/main.aux", label = "Conv. SSK \cite{liu2015ssk}")
[docs]def c(APATH, label): import re with open(APATH, mode='r') as f: # chit ='\\cite{(\S+)}', label) #print(chit) if chit == None: return label bibkey = # ahit = + '}{(\d+)}', #print(ahit) if ahit: cn = else: cn = "?" return label.replace(, "[" + cn + "]")
[docs]def testUnitary(M, code): codes =, M) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.conj(codes.T).dot(codes) / code.Nc, xp.eye(M))
[docs]def getRandomHermitianMatrix(M): ret = xp.diag(0j + randn(M)) for y in range(0, M - 1): for x in range(y + 1, M): ret[y, x] = randn_c() ret[x, y] = xp.conj(ret[y, x]) return ret
[docs]def CayleyTransform(H): M = H.shape[0] return (xp.eye(M, dtype=complex) - 1j * H).dot(xp.linalg.inv(xp.eye(M, dtype=complex) + 1j * H))
[docs]def asnumpy(xparr): if 'cupy' in str(type(xparr)): return xp.asnumpy(xparr) # cupy to numpy return xparr # do nothing