Source code for imtoolkit.imtoolkit

# Copyright (c) IMToolkit Development Team
# This toolkit is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import math
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from imtoolkit import IMTOOLKIT_VERSION, Parameters, IMCode, OSTBCode, IdealRayleighChannel, IdealOFDMChannel, CoherentMLDSimulator, \
    getMinimumEuclideanDistance, getInequalityL1, getMinimumHammingDistance, convertIndsToVector

[docs]def main(): np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) title = " IMToolkit Version " + IMTOOLKIT_VERSION + " " print("=" * len(title) + "\n" + title + "\n" + "=" * len(title)) if os.getenv("USECUPY") == "1": print("CuPy-aided GPGPU acceleration is activated in your environment.") print("One can activate the NumPy counterpart by executing") print("> unset USECUPY") else: print("NumPy is used for all the calculations.") print("The use of CUDA and CuPy is strongly recommended.") print("One can activate it by executing") print("> export USECUPY=1") print("") if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and "-h" in sys.argv[1]): print("IMToolkit official website:") print("A detailed tutorial:") print("Fork me on GitHub:") quit() args = sys.argv[1:] for arg in args: lentitle = len(arg) + 6 print("-" * lentitle + "\narg = " + arg + "\n" + "-" * lentitle) params = Parameters(arg) # initialize a codebook, which also supports BLAST/OFDM by setting M = K meanPower = 1 # For the MIMO scenario, the mean power is normalized to 1 if == "ofdm": # For the OFDM scenario, the mean power of symbol vectors is normalized to M meanPower = params.M if params.code == "index": code = IMCode(, params.M, params.K, params.Q, params.mod, params.L, meanPower) elif params.code == "OSTBC": if params.isSpeficied("O"): code = OSTBCode(params.M, params.mod, params.L, params.O) else: code = OSTBCode(params.M, params.mod, params.L) # initialize a channel generator if == "rayleigh": # quasi-static Rayleigh fading if re.match(r'.*P$', params.mode): # Parallel channel channel = IdealRayleighChannel(params.ITi, params.M, params.N) else: # Single channel channel = IdealRayleighChannel(1, params.M, params.N) elif == "ofdm": # ideal frequency-selective OFDM channel params.N = params.M if re.match(r'.*P$', params.mode): # Parallel channel channel = IdealOFDMChannel(params.ITi, params.M) else: # Single channel channel = IdealOFDMChannel(1, params.M) # initialize a simulator sim = CoherentMLDSimulator(, channel) start_time = time.time() if params.mode == "RATE": code.putRate() elif params.mode == "MED": print("MED = " + str(getMinimumEuclideanDistance( elif params.mode == "BER": sim.simulateBERReference(params) elif params.mode == "BERP": sim.simulateBERParallel(params) elif params.mode == "AMI": sim.simulateAMIReference(params) elif params.mode == "AMIP": sim.simulateAMIParallel(params) elif params.mode == "VIEW": print( elif params.mode == "VIEWIM": print(np.array(convertIndsToVector(code.inds, params.M)).reshape(-1, params.Q)) print("Minimum Hamming distance = %d" % getMinimumHammingDistance(code.inds, params.M)) print("Inequality L1 = %d" % getInequalityL1(code.inds, params.M)) elif params.mode == "VIEWIMTEX": print("$\\a$(%d, %d, %d) $=$ [" % (params.M, params.K, params.Q)) #[\e_1 ~ \e_2], [\e_1 ~ \e_3], [\e_2 ~ \e_4], [\e_3 ~ \e_4] #for iarr in code.inds: # print(" ~ ".join(["\\e_{%d}" % i for i in iarr])) es = [", ".join(["%d" % (i+1) for i in iarr]) for iarr in code.inds] print(", ".join(["[" + e + "]" for e in es]) + "].") #print(",".join(["[" + iarrstr + "]\n" for iarrstr in " ~ ".join(["\\e_{%d}" % i for i in iarr])])) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print ("Elapsed time = %.10f seconds" % (elapsed_time))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()