Source code for imtoolkit.tests.ModulatorTest

# Copyright (c) IMToolkit Development Team
# This toolkit is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt

import unittest
import numpy as np
from imtoolkit.Util import getMinimumEuclideanDistance
from imtoolkit.Modulator import Modulator

[docs]class ModulatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_PSK(self): for L in 2 ** np.arange(1, 8, 1): mod = Modulator("PSK", L) meanNorm = np.mean(np.square(np.abs(mod.symbols))) self.assertAlmostEqual(meanNorm, 1.0, msg = "The mean power of PSK(" + str(L) + ") symbols differs from 1.0") med = getMinimumEuclideanDistance(mod.symbols.reshape(L, 1, 1)) self.assertGreater(med, 0, msg = "The minimum Euclidean distance of PSK(" + str(L) + ") symbols is too small")
[docs] def test_QAM(self): for L in 2 ** np.arange(2, 8, 2): mod = Modulator("QAM", L) meanNorm = np.mean(np.square(np.abs(mod.symbols))) self.assertAlmostEqual(meanNorm, 1.0, msg = "The mean power of QAM(" + str(L) + ") symbols differs from 1.0") med = getMinimumEuclideanDistance(mod.symbols.reshape(L, 1, 1)) self.assertGreater(med, 0, msg = "The minimum Euclidean distance of QAM(" + str(L) + ") symbols is too small")
[docs] def test_StarQAM(self): for L in 2 ** np.arange(1, 8, 1): mod = Modulator("StarQAM", L) meanNorm = np.mean(np.square(np.abs(mod.symbols))) self.assertAlmostEqual(meanNorm, 1.0, msg = "The mean power of StarQAM(" + str(L) + ") symbols differs from 1.0") med = getMinimumEuclideanDistance(mod.symbols.reshape(L, 1, 1)) self.assertGreater(med, 0, msg = "The minimum Euclidean distance of StarQAM(" + str(L) + ") symbols is too small")
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()