IMToolkit Command Usage

This webpage introduces a detailed tutorial for the imtoolkit command, which can be installed by pip install imtoolkit.

Basic Usage

The imtoolkit options are specified by a sentence that contains parameters and underscores. For example, the options are given by

> imtoolkit {MODE}_code=index_dm={dic,wen,opt}_ + other parameters

Before executing the imtoolkit command, the CuPy-aided acceleration is enabled by setting an environment variable USECUPY=1.

> export USECUPY=1

In case you would like to use Numpy, please unset the environment variable.

> unset USECUPY

Usage Examples

The followings are instant usage examples. All the variables are the same as those used in the IEEE Access paper.

Check the transmission rate of the IM codebook having \((M,K,Q)=(2,1,2)\) and BPSK constellation.

> imtoolkit RATE_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK
B = B1 + B2 = 1 + 1 = 2 [bits/symbol]

Check the IM codebooks relying on the combinatorial (dic), equiprobable (wen), and integer linear programming (opt) methods.

> imtoolkit VIEW_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK
> imtoolkit VIEW_code=index_dm=wen_M=16_K=8_Q=16_L=1_mod=PSK
> imtoolkit VIEW_code=index_dm=opt_M=16_K=8_Q=16_L=1_mod=PSK

Check the designed active indices having \((M,K,Q)=(16,8,16)\).

> imtoolkit VIEWIM_code=index_dm=opt_M=16_K=8_Q=16
[[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
 [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
 [1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
 [1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
 [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
 [1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
 [1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
 [0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
 [0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
 [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
 [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
 [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]]
Minimum Hamming distance = 8
Inequality L1 = 0

Check the minimum Euclidean distance of the IM codebook having \((M,K,Q)=(2,1,2)\) and BPSK constellation.

> imtoolkit MED_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK
export USECUPY=1
MED = 2.0000000000000004

Check the BER of the BLAST scheme having BPSK constellation over the ideal Rayleigh fading channel.

> imtoolkit BER_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=2_Q=1_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_IT=1e6_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11
> imtoolkit BERP_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=2_Q=1_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_ITo=1e2_ITi=1e4_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11
At SNR = 0.00 dB, BER = 286270 / 1200000 = 0.23855833333333334445
At SNR = 5.00 dB, BER = 165053 / 1200000 = 0.13754416666666666180
At SNR = 10.00 dB, BER = 72774 / 1200000 = 0.06064499999999999752
At SNR = 15.00 dB, BER = 26499 / 1200000 = 0.02208250000000000143
At SNR = 20.00 dB, BER = 8899 / 1200000 = 0.00741583333333333330
At SNR = 25.00 dB, BER = 2810 / 1200000 = 0.00234166666666666681
At SNR = 30.00 dB, BER = 861 / 1200000 = 0.00071750000000000004
At SNR = 35.00 dB, BER = 274 / 1200000 = 0.00022833333333333334
At SNR = 40.00 dB, BER = 74 / 1200000 = 0.00006166666666666667
At SNR = 45.00 dB, BER = 28 / 1200000 = 0.00002333333333333333
At SNR = 50.00 dB, BER = 10 / 1200000 = 0.00000833333333333333
 15%|████████▎                                              | 15/100 [00:03<00:21,  3.87it/s]

Check the BER of the spatial modulation scheme over the ideal Rayleigh fading channel.

> imtoolkit BER_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_IT=1e6_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11
> imtoolkit BERP_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_ITo=1e2_ITi=1e4_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11

Similarly, check the AMI of the above setup.

> imtoolkit AMI_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_IT=1e4_snrfrom=-20.00_to=30.00_len=11
> imtoolkit AMIP_sim=coh_channel=rayleigh_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_N=1_ITo=1e1_ITi=1e3_snrfrom=-20.00_to=30.00_len=11

Check the BER and AMI of the subcarrier index modulation scheme over the ideal frequency-selective OFDM channel.

> imtoolkit BER_sim=coh_channel=ofdm_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_IT=1e6_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11
> imtoolkit BERP_sim=coh_channel=ofdm_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_ITo=1e2_ITi=1e4_snrfrom=0.00_to=50.00_len=11
> imtoolkit AMI_sim=coh_channel=ofdm_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_IT=1e5_snrfrom=-20.00_to=30.00_len=11
> imtoolkit AMIP_sim=coh_channel=ofdm_code=index_dm=dic_M=2_K=1_Q=2_L=2_mod=PSK_ITo=1e1_ITi=1e4_snrfrom=-20.00_to=30.00_len=11
At SNR = -20.00 dB, AMI = 0.02835752386965842420
At SNR = -15.00 dB, AMI = 0.08621969236346302412
At SNR = -10.00 dB, AMI = 0.24553548125900576116
At SNR = -5.00 dB, AMI = 0.61030449159960853400
At SNR = 0.00 dB, AMI = 1.19762564984552777325
At SNR = 5.00 dB, AMI = 1.71401898627954807353
At SNR = 10.00 dB, AMI = 1.92946990000208695726
At SNR = 15.00 dB, AMI = 1.98357959973452779856
At SNR = 20.00 dB, AMI = 1.99521501735232775765
At SNR = 25.00 dB, AMI = 1.99846647081199679796
At SNR = 30.00 dB, AMI = 1.99952712587336933758
 80%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                    | 8/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.24it/s]


The execution mode can be switched by the first argument MODE. The suffix *P means that the corresponding simulation is accelarated by GPGPU-aided calculations.


Check the transmission rate [bits/symbol]. Please remind that we need to divide it by M for the SIM case.


Check the minimum Eunclidean distance of the specified codebook, which correlates with the achievable performance.


Execute bit error rate (BER) simulatoins for multiple SNRs, where the straightforward reference algorithm is used.


Execute BER simulatoins for multiple SNRs, where the massively parallel algorithm is used.


Execute average mutual information (AMI) simulatoins for multiple SNRs, where the straightforward reference algorithm is used.


Execute AMI simulatoins for multiple SNRs, where the massively parallel algorithm is used.


Print the specified codebook.


Print the specified active indices.


Print the specified active indices in a tex format.


The BER or AMI values are calculated assuming the coherent maximum likelihood detector.


The BER or AMI values are calculated assuming the non-coherent maximum likelihood detector.


Use the ideal Rayleigh fading channel, which is generated by the complex Gaussian distribution.


Use the ideal OFDM channel, which is generated by diagonal matrices.


IMToolkit currently supports the IM codebook only. But, M=K setup is equivalent to the conventional BLAST or OFDM signaling.


Use the combinatorial design for active indices.


Use the equiprobable design for active indices.


Use the theoretical optimal design for active indices.


Number of transmit antennas or subcarriers.


Number of receive antennas.


Number of active indices.


Number of selected antennas or subcarriers.


Use the PSK constellation


Use the QAM constellation.


Use the star QAM constellation.


Number of constellation.


Number of iterations for the MODE = BER or AMI cases.


Number of outer iterations


Number of inner iterations


The beginning of SNR range.


The end of SNR range.


The length of SNR range.